Oslo Airport (ENGM – OSL)

Coordination status: Level 3
Slot Requests: scr@airportcoordination.com
General Requests: acn@airportcoordination.com
GA/BA Coordination: Slots are required (See AIP AD 2.20)

Coordination Parameters :

Runway Capacity:
Runway per any 60 minutes period: 80 movements
Runway per any 15 minutes period: 20 movements
(23 in one time of four consecutive 15 minutes periods between 0800 and 0900 local time),
limited to 12 departures and 11 arrivals

Terminal capacity:
39 departing passenger flights per any 60 minutes period.
2 800 offered departing seats in any 15 minutes period; limited to 7 800 offered departing seats in any 60 minutes period.
1 800 offered departing seats to the non-Schengen area.
1 800 offered arriving seats from the non-Schengen area.
Limit of 5 100 offered seats for international arrivals (Schengen and non-Schengen).

There is a limitation of 11 E-category aircraft simultaneously parked at the  airport (excluding Cargo).
There is a limitation of number of F-category aircraft simultaneously parked at the airport (excluding Cargo).
Wednesday to Monday: 2
Tuesdays: 1

Noise restrictions:

Please follow link link here (ENGM AD 2.21 Noise abatement procedures).  Attention is in particular drawn to para 4,3 Departures with aircraft having a noise certification exceeding 88 EPNdB at DEP are not permitted between 2300 – 0530 (2400 – 0630 local time).

General and Business Aviation: 

Please follow link here (ENGM AD 2.20 Local traffic regulations)

Opening hours:


For further information, please refer to Oslo Airport homepage