Copenhagen Airport / level 3
Declared capacity:
Runway Capacity (24H):
Arr | Dep | Mvt | Timespan min. | |
6 | 6 | 9 | 5 | |
15 | 15 | 25 | 15 | Rolling |
52 | 55 | 83 | 60 | Rolling |
96 | 96 | 166 | 120 | Rolling |
Check-in constraints
Max per rolling hour 40 All aircraft groups excluding DY/D8 (own handling)
Max number of Aircrafts group D-E-F rolling hour 6
Night Curfew:
For some Aircraft types noise restriction apply during the period
between the hours 2300-0600 danish local time
For details see Operations in Danish airspace AIP EKCH (opens in a window)
AIM Danish airports incl. Greenland and Faroe Island Aeronautical Information Management (opens in a window)
GO terminal
Operators who wish to operate into CPH-Go lowcost terminal
speciel conditions applies.
Please refer to Copenhagen homepage CPH lowcost terminal (opens in a window)
to read/download Term Of Use and Prequalification guidelines
Syntax for SCR into Go
NAIR1234 AIR1235 23APR23APR 0000060 189320 LWG1700 1730LGW JJ / TA.L TD.L/
Handling at Copenhagen Airport is mandatory, please find contact details
to handling companies providing services at CPH by following below link:
For further information please refer to
Copenhagen Airport homepage